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Burzhama Ruins Kashmir

Burza Hama is situated in the north-west of Kashmir, nearly 24 kms from Shalimar road Srinagar and 16 kms from Naseem Bagh Road Srinagar. It is a karewa with ancient settlement ruins dating back to Neolithic age. Excavation of this site was conducted by the Archaeological Department, Government of India, in 1961. The ancient utensils and other artefacts discovered, signifying the ancient civilization, have been kept in the National Museum, Calcutta (Kolkatta). 

Burza Hama ruins are unique and first of its kind in Kashmir and elsewhere in the country and the world. This civilisation has been segregated into four phases by the archaeologists signifying mud settlements, earthen utensils, bone utensils & tools, raw bricks. The fourth & last segment meets with  ancient history which is earlier to the Harwan Budhist settlement ruins of Srinagar. On stones tiles some carvings depict Hangul (Kashmir Deer) game shooting with Sun, indicating day time game.